A community for female travelers finding their way..
Discover tips and best practices for working remotely while traveling.
About the founder
She is Not Lost is created and curated by Carina Otero- a firm believer that traveling is not just seeing the world, but rather experiencing it. Inspired by the quote "not all those who wander are lost", which has a beautiful significance for those finding themselves by traveling and exploring the world, Carina hopes this community will inspire your next journey.
Carina’s definition of a '‘Solo Female Traveler” may surprise you– Any woman who makes her own decisions about when, how, and why she travels. She isn’t alone, but rather belongs to a community of other women cheering her on. Click here to read more about Carina.
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Experience Versailles like True French Royalty: Pamper Your Pup at the Dog-Friendly Airelles Le Grand Contrôle
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