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How to Feel at Home While Living Abroad or Traveling Long Term

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A view of the eiffel tower from a hotel room in paris, france

If you’re like me, you may have chosen to move abroad or travel long term because you thrive in changing environments, feel inspired by new surroundings, and appreciate the sense of accomplishment that comes from overcoming challenges. But living abroad or traveling extensively is not always easy, and it’s normal to miss loved ones and some of the comforts of home. And while a sense of home may mean something different to everyone, I’ve compiled a few tips that have helped me personally.

Especially if you’ve decided to make the move on your own, as I did, considering these tips listed below can help you feel more at home while traveling long term or living abroad.

1. Set a schedule for keeping in touch with friends or family

If there is a considerable time difference between you and your loved ones, it can be helpful to designate a time or a day of the week to plan on catching up over the phone or on a video call. Doing so regularly can help turn the practice into a habit, and sharing updates about your life with those you care about will make any distance feel a bit shorter.

2. Document your experiences

Whether it’s by writing in a journal or in your Notes app, or by snapping photos with your smartphone or camera, compiling a record of your experiences can help you organize your thoughts and feelings during an especially transformative time in your life. Taking a short pause to acknowledge or reflect on moments where you felt proud, capable, powerful— or sad, strained, defeated— or all of the above, is a key method of practicing mindfulness. Taking note of moments both big and small can serve as a reminder to be appreciative of all the lessons you’ve learned throughout your journey, especially during the times when it doesn’t feel so easy.

3. Social media can be a great tool for connecting with others

While some may argue that checking social media can make you feel excluded or isolated, I like to think that social media is a great tool for connecting with others, bonding over shared interests, keeping in touch with friends, and discovering new places or things. For me personally, social media makes the world feel smaller and distances feel shorter, and I choose to only interact with content that I find inspiring. And it’s important to note— you never know who you may be inspiring by sharing your experiences on social media or on a blog.

4. Travel with a candle or a scent that reminds you of someplace familiar

Scent association is a powerful tool to feel connected to a place, and I’ve written at length here about how and why I use Diptyque candles to commemorate my travel experiences. By filling your space with elements that feel familiar, you can create your own sense of home wherever you are in the world. If you don’t already have a scent that reminds you of home, you can choose a new one and start a tradition with yourself to establish a sense of consistency during a time when things may feel like they’re often changing.

5. Minimize other personal effects that may exist in your rental (if it’s an Airbnb for example)

If you’re staying in a furnished rental like an Airbnb while living abroad or traveling long term, the decor may feel impersonal or may make the place feel too much like your host’s living space. Within reason, you could modify the space in ways that are better suited to your preferences. For example: if you don’t drink coffee, you don’t necessarily need to keep the large coffee machine in the center of the kitchen counter, and can stash it in a closet or in a place that’s less-prominent. Be sure to be careful and respectful when moving anything within a rental, and remember to return everything to its rightful place before you end your stay.

You can also read this article I wrote for more tips on living long term in Airbnbs: A Guide to Booking and Living in Monthly Airbnb Rentals.

6. Travel with a framed photo of yourself from a moment that you’re proud of

This may sound vain, but especially if you're traveling or have moved abroad alone, I think it could be more helpful to have a framed photo of just yourself to display in your accommodation, as opposed to a photo of your loved ones or of you with your loved ones. Catching a glance of a photo of your loved ones in the wrong moment could potentially trigger feelings of distance or longing, whereas a photo of yourself will always be a reminder that you’re strong, capable, and can face whatever may be in your way. I suggest choosing a photo of yourself from your first solo travel experience, or from your graduation from a program that you worked really hard in, or maybe a childhood photo that reflects the start of the dream that you’ve since followed.

7. Set a schedule for incorporating exercise into your routine

Making time for exercise has a number of benefits: it lifts your mood, it adds structure to your daily or weekly routines, it helps you get more familiar with your surroundings, and it can introduce you to others who share similar interests, to name a few. Becoming a member of a gym or a studio can encourage feeling a sense of belonging to your city, while doing outdoor exercises like walking or running can inspire you to get more familiar with local parks, sites, and monuments. I love using ClassPass to sign up for exercise classes and discover new studios, which can be used in over 2,500 cities across the globe.

8. Use a VPN service to easily access your favorite series

Sometimes the simplest comfort is watching your favorite show or series. However, if you’ve moved abroad or are traveling in a new destination, access to your subscribed streaming services may be restricted or unavailable. An easy solution is to use a trusted VPN provider to stream as if you’re in your home country. (I’ve personally had a great experience using NordVPN.)

9. Give yourself time to rest

While being active can motivate you to explore your new surroundings, finding a balance and giving yourself time to rest is equally important. Living abroad or traveling extensively can be a stimulating experience, so remembering to take time to relax will help you be more productive in the long run. Take time to check in with your stress levels and feelings to avoid becoming burnt out. Taking care of yourself and your mental health should always be a top priority, regardless of where you are in the world.

10. Remember that giving yourself the experience of travel is something your future self will always be grateful for

While some moments during your experience abroad may feel more challenging than others, the amount of personal growth you gain will always be something your future self will be proud of. Acknowledging how far you’ve come throughout every stage of your journey will serve as an encouraging reminder that you can overcome anything you may have to face in the future.

Though living abroad can sometimes feel emotionally or mentally challenging, these tips listed here are a few ways to feel more at home, anywhere your journey takes you. And I like to think that whatever may have led you to take the leap to try something new or experience something different than what you were previously accustomed to, is just another reason to be grateful.

Are you living abroad and looking for ways to feel more at home, or have any questions about my experience? Leave a comment below!

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